Thursday, August 14, 2008

Can we go? now?

So I sent Drew off to school yesterday. It was weird to put him on the bus and watch it drive away. I avoided that last year by doing afternoon kindergarten and dropping him off at the door (no bus to drop off pm Kindergarteners.)

Well, Jack is very lost with out Drew. He insists on waking up at 7:50 to see Drew get on the bus....normally he sleeps til at least 8:30 mostly 9am. Then he stands at the door with his back pack on waiting for me to take him to Kindergarten....which isn't for hours yet. He asks me can we go now? I said after he is begging to eat lunch because he is starving...I think he thinks that if we eat now then we can leave for school. Oh, I hope he learns to play without Drew soon.
Here is a mom's first day of school prayer some had sent me, which has the perfect words or thoughts:

Here we are again, Lord. Their backpacks are loaded and their faces are scrubbed and their lunch accounts are full.
And I know you'll walk with them, Lord. You always do. But a mom still has to ask.
Will You walk with them? Will You whisper to them what they need to hear, when I'm not there to whisper it?
Will You please, oh please, cover their school with the protection only You can give, and will You keep harm far away?
Will You make their minds strong and ready to learn? Will You help them understand that hard work honors the One who created them?
Will You guide their teachers, giving them patience and wisdom and creativity and more patience? Will You bless them for their efforts?
Will You love all those children there, the ones whose lunch accounts aren't full, the ones who feel alone?
Will You teach my children to be kind and unselfish and to love those who are different from them? Will You point them back toward home just as soon as you can?
Lord, I give them to You today and everyday, trusting them to Your care.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I Scream....

you scream, we all scream for bright blue cotton candy ice cream with a mix in of chocolate or gummy bears!
We cooled down at Maggie Moo's after a fun day at the park!
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At the Park

It's always fun to meet friends at the park! This park had a creek that the boys discovered and was the highlight of the day!

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