Friday, June 6, 2008


Jack's first season of soccer. He started out knowing very little about soccer (me too) and by the end he knew what to do and did very well. It was such a joy to watch him for the first time work together with others. He did get tired out quickly, but that's ok. He would get a few goals at the last few games and was excited to play defense.

Eating lunch with the other Indy Klops on a beautiful May day. Jack loves this picture as he points out that he was showing everyone his pizza.

Lost a tooth!!!! Jack was extremely excited to loose his first tooth! He just couldn't wait to put it under his pillow and try to stay awake for the tooth fairy. Drew (being the competitive one) didn't want Jack to get all the attention, so he quickly started working on one of his baby teeth to see if it would come out too. They have the same discussion about the tooth fairy being real or not anytime one looses a tooth. Their cousin told them that they had a loose tooth that fell out in the middle of the night and he put it under his pillow and the tooth fairy did not come, so it must be their parents because they didn't know about it.
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