I am not sure what that means....but my sister "tagged" me and she wrote 7 things about her and then I followed up on Julie B's 7 things and then I suppose that means I am supposed to write 7 things about me. Since I am not sure, I will just do that and suppose that that's what I am to do....
1. I love massages and will almost always accept one:)
2. I love to dress up and have somewhere to go.
3. I find bugs interesting as long as they are outside. If they attempt to catch me off guard in the house then they will be very dead! No bug is allowed to enter our house without permission...hee hee
4. I have a shopping weakness....love to shop....clothes, decorating items, shoes, purses...the list could go on.
5. I love to cook....if that surprises you then you don't know me too well :)
6. I absolutely do not like to clean one bit, but I have too because that's part of my job (housewife/mother of 3).
7. I love to eat....try ethnic foods....gourmet foods...and sadly it shows....off to the gym I go!