Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer passes quickly

I can't believe how time flies....but it does. The boys will head back to school on the 10th, which seems extremely early. It has been a fun summer just hanging out with the kids not doing a whole lot. We did get to go to the lake with my family and we had such a great time! The boys also had fun with the track program here at the High School. I was impressed at how they learned to use the starting blocks, the hurdles, and techniques for long jump and high jump. Here are some pics to share....

My kids adore little ones....especialy Lily! They ask when are we going to see her next....

Drew, Jack and Molly all tried skiing. They all did a great job trying! It was a lot of work to keep their legs in the right position with their skies in the right position, etc.... They would get up but not straighten up so then they wouldn't last long and fall. Maybe next year!

I did wait until almost the last day to try wakeboarding... I was sore the rest of the time....I won't bore you with pics:) but it was fun once I got up. All the men made it look easy...even my dad! I didn't get pics of everyone but made posters of dad and my nephews for fun!

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