Saturday, January 3, 2009

You're Fired!

Drew and Jack are playing in the living room and Molly started "messing" with their things. Drew just said, "Molly, if you don't stop that, you're fired!" I am not sure where he heard that but I promise you we haven't had him watch The Apprentice or anything:)


Courtney and the Boys said...

That's hilarious!

...and on a side note...where did you get your hangman game? I LOVE it! I played it like 10 times last night! ha!


aklopfen said...

It's a choice under the gadgets...

Tracy said...

I hate to say this but as soon as I read this I thought..."Uh, I wonder if he got that from my son." My hubby says that a lot to people when they do something he doesn't like and thus my son has also picked it up. I wonder...hmmm.